If you are having trouble with "drag and drop" questions or the drag tool in EdReady, this article will provide some possible solutions.
- Be sure that the question has loaded completely. Sometimes loading can be slow, if you're on a slow network. Wait for the loading indicator in your browser (usually on the tab) to stop spinning before you try to drag items.
- Drag and drop questions need a certain amount of space between the two columns to work properly. So you should be sure that your browser window is as wide as possible.
If you are using a mobile device, be sure you have it rotated to "landscape" mode, rather than "portrait". Landscape is sometimes called "wide screen", like you would use when watching a movie. Portrait mode is "tall", like the orientation you would use if you were talking on a cell phone. - If you are using a mobile device, try it on a computer or laptop instead.
If you can't get it to work in your desired browser or device, be sure to let us know. When you contact us, be sure to state what kind of device and browser you are using.