How EdReady Works
- EdReady English: Are "My Journal" Assignments Saved?
- FAQ: EdReady says I already have an account.
- How To Retake Unit Tests
- How To Reset Progress in the Study Resources
- Can I see the questions I got wrong on the test?
- Can I retake my diagnostic test?
- Turn Contrast Controls On/Off
- What accessibility supports does EdReady provide?
- When should I receive my account activation email? Mine never showed up.
- What are "Goals"?
- Can I see all of the goals that are available to me on my Dashboard?
- On the Study Path page, I clicked on the “Test” button (or the “Unit Test” button) and now I am taking another test! What is going on?
- Can I study the units on my Study Path that are not needed to reach my target score?
- Where did the recommended resources come from? Why are they recommended for me?
- On the Study Paths page, why does it say that I “did well on” a unit, as opposed to mastering it?
- What does the progress bar mean in the test window?
- What happens when I press “Skip” in the assessment window?
- Why do I need to “check my knowledge” on the Study Path page after studying the resources?
- EdReady says I did not master a topic but I think I know the material. Can I check my knowledge again right away?
- I keep studying but my score is not changing very fast. Why not?
- Who will see my scores?