General FAQs
- How to Get Help in EdReady
- What is the difference between the “public” version of EdReady and an “institutional” version of EdReady?
- Which Internet browsers are supported for EdReady?
- What is a “Guest” account?
- I’ve been studying & mastering topics, but the unit is still marked as “Not Ready” or “Needs Review”. Why?
- I finished checking my knowledge for a topic but it is still showing up on my study path. Why?
- I studied the resources & did not master the unit (or topic)… now what do I do?
- I hit my target score but did not get to study all the material on my study path. How is this possible?
- Can EdReady Integrate with Google Classroom? (SSO)
- How do I color code my Excel download report?
- How are the target scores determined?
- Accessibility Statement and VPAT for EdReady
- Does EdReady offer a Spanish language version?
- What are the (?) icons I see throughout the site?
- Need help with EdReady?
- Is EdReady just a college readiness tool?
- What is EdReady?
- How does EdReady work?
- Who made EdReady?
- Why doesn't EdReady cost anything?