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When adapting instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs) instructors will find the
integral features of the EdReady English course, described below, well-suited to these
students. In academic settings, ELLs often simply need more models, practice, and time.
Each unit is well-scaffolded, highly visual, and the videos are supported with audio and
closed captioning, so instructors may find that they only need to adjust the pacing to
accommodate their ELLs.
Video Presentations: Closed Captioning
ELL students can use closed captioning in the video presentations if they want to read along with the audio. This can reinforce the sight-sound connection of the language, helping students see the spelling of words they may know only verbally—or conversely, helping them understand the pronunciation of words they know primarily in writing.
Active Reader
The Active Reader can be found in the Reading topics, in the Supporting Materials area. Clicking the Active Reader button will open the reading assignment for the unit in a new browser tab.
Active Reader: Audio Lens
The Audio tab includes synchronized audio narration that is timed to the reading selection. The current sentence is highlighted and each word in that sentence is highlighted in a different color as it is spoken. ELL students will find it helpful to hear the material being read out loud, and the ability to parse it out at the word and sentence level permits them to replay challenging sections. They can also repeat them aloud, if desired, as mini “pronunciation lessons.”
Active Reader: Vocabulary Lens
The Vocabulary in Context tab highlights vocabulary terms, colloquialisms, and words that might be challenging for ELL or low-level readers within each reading selection. Selecting one of the highlighted words or phrases displays the word or phrase with audio pronunciation, part of speech, and a process for decoding the word. Students start with How to Break Down a Word, then move on to How to Use Context Clues, and are finally given the Definition. This helps ELL students build a foundation for independent reading, training them to analyze word parts and context clues before providing the definition. The exercises are well-suited to large group or whole class work, and can be helpful for modeling strategies and “think-alouds.”
Active Reader: Grammar Lens
The Grammar, Punctuation, and Usage tab applies lessons in relation to the unit reading selection. The intent of these mini-lessons is to reveal nuances of how each concept for that unit is applied in authentic practice. Clicking on a highlighted portion of the reading selection on the left-hand side will display mini-lessons related to the grammar lessons for the unit. Students can also click a link to open the associated lesson for further help.
These lessons are simplified for the learner so that the conceptual framework of Standard Written English is distilled into compact, easy-to-digest explanations that avoid the abstract nomenclature often associated with grammar. Common grammatical terms are used when necessary, but explanations are student-focused to help them understand the underlying structure of the language they use every day.
Additionally, at the bottom of each page in the Active Reader, students are asked to check their reading comprehension. This helps all low-level readers know if they understand the material they are reading on each page. They are given immediate feedback to the questions so they can reread the text if they do not answer them correctly.
Video Presentations: Grammar Videos
The grammar videos are located in the Grammar topics. They are labeled “Worked Example” or “Grammar in context” and are step-by-step, easy-to-follow videos that are similar to those that an instructor might work through with a class of ELLs. Instead of having to seek out additional examples and supplemental class exercises, instructors can use these videos as a whole-class learning activity, with a follow-up discussion as needed.