If you need to change any of your account information, such as your Name or Password, navigate to the My Account page.
Click on your Name in the header bar. Then, click the My Account link shown in the dropdown menu.
Update Account Information
You can change your First name and Last name on this page: just type the updated information into the available text boxes and click the Save changes button.
Note that your Email address (also your EdReady username) cannot be changed.
Change your Password
To change your password, enter your current password in the ‘Current password’ textbox. Then, enter your new password in both the ‘New password’ and ‘Verify new password’ textboxes. Click the Change your password button to submit your password update.
Email Address
Please note that your email address cannot be changed in EdReady. If you need help with your email address, please use the "Help" button at the bottom left of the screen to reach out to our support team.