There are several reports available in EdReady that allow you to access details across the roster of students you can see. These reports will be available separately for each study path your students are working in, but will include all students associated with that study path that you have permission to see in the reports.
- The Student Data Summary report lists all your students and includes details about their progress in EdReady, including their score (initial diagnostic, current score, and improvement), and time (total time in the system and time visiting the study resources).
- The Unit Detail report lists all units available on your students' study paths and shows each student's current status (Not Ready, Needs Review, Doing Well, Mastered) for each unit.
- The Topic Detail report allows you to focus on a single unit, listing all topics available on your students' study paths and showing each student's current status (Not Ready, Needs Review, Mastered).
- The Topic and Learning Objective Progress report (one of the Advanced Reports) includes historical progress details for each student. In addition to score information, this report will indicate the number of Topics and Learning Objectives that were mastered initially, through study, and in the past calendar week. This report is not available on-screen and is delivered as an Excel file.
- The Learning Objective Scores report (one of the Advanced Reports) includes details about each student's mastery for each learning objective included in their study paths. This report is not available on-screen and is delivered as an Excel file.
Note: in all these reports, you'll see details across all the students you have access to in your institution.