There are many reasons why your institution may direct you to use EdReady. As a rule, EdReady makes it possible for institutions to discover the different degrees of readiness in their students and then to work with students individually to address any gaps in their knowledge. Some schools will use EdReady to help students avoid remediation, or to place into higher level math and/or English classes. Other schools may use EdReady to check how much knowledge has been retained prior to starting a new course. And there are many other reasons besides. We hope you find EdReady useful, and if you see any opportunities for improvement, please let us know!
Why is my school or program directing me to EdReady?
Always check with your school! Articles in the EdReady Help Center contain information about the technical features and functions of EdReady itself. They cannot replace the guidance of your instructor or advisor at school. EdReady is a learning platform that is used by hundreds of schools and colleges in the US and Canada. We do not know the rules and requirements of each individual school. Please discuss any policy and protocol questions with your instructor or advisor. |