Whenever you are finished using EdReady, it is important that you log out by clicking on your Name in the header bar. Then, click the Log Out link shown in the dropdown menu.
If you do not log out, your session time may not be accurately recorded.
EdReady Session Timeout
You will be logged out of EdReady after 30 minutes of inactivity. After EdReady determines that you have been inactive for 29 minutes, you will see a pop-up window like this:
The last line will update to countdown the number of seconds until your session ends. If you see that the final line says “Session Timed Out!”, then you did not close the window within the allotted time and will need to log into EdReady again.
If you are using EdReady when this window opens, just click the Stay logged in button and your session will remain active.
If you are in the study resources (after clicking the "Learn" button)...
Sometimes you may see this pop-up if you’re doing something passive (like watching a resource video), since EdReady only knows you’re using the site still when you are actively clicking in your study path or in a testing activity.
In those cases, you will get the pop-up window after 25 minutes of inactivity and will have 300 seconds (5 minutes) to respond. Just like described above, click the Stay logged in button on this window and your session will remain active.
If you do not respond to the popup message, your session will be timed out and EdReady will record 5 minutes for the time you were inactive.
NOTE: EdReady cannot detect passive studying in the study resources or in another tab or window of your browser. You must remain active within EdReady itself to get full credit for your study time.
What happens if I get timed out?
EdReady notes the last time you interacted with the system and adds 5 minutes to come up with your adjusted logout time.
You do not get credit for the 30 minutes you were inactive (not responding to the popup).
Example: You worked actively in EdReady for 10 minutes, doing things that the system was able to detect. Then 25 or 29 minutes went by (see above) and EdReady showed you a popup. You did not respond within the allotted time. So EdReady looks back and sees that your last detectable action was 10 minutes after you logged in. It adds 5 minutes and makes a record in the log that shows you worked for 15 minutes and then got timed out. This is a balance to ensure that you get credit if you were doing something passive at the 10 minute mark, but without giving credit for a long period of inactivity.