The following bug fixes, new features, and improvements are now part of the EdReady platform, as of 20 June 2020 (v. 1.64)
EdReady Improvements and new features:
- Renamed the "skip" button to "pass"
- Added and refined a "hold" button in the diagnostic test so students can set aside a question to answer it later, at the end of the test; added an associated control for admins to turn that functionality on and off
- Improved the ability to embed media into message modals
- Added a countdown clock so students who are locked out for entering the wrong password know when they can try again
- Added a new security measure that disallows students from re-using any of their last five passwords
- Added an option to show only complex, high-level questions on unit tests
- Modified the student session log report and changed the layout
- Updated the icons for supporting materials in English
- Improved the ability to block brute-force entry into the system
- Added custom fields to the Student Detailed Reports
- Updated the diagnostic messaging buttons
- Corrected errors and made improvements on the Study Path page
- Improved the ability of the welcome modal to be read by accessibility software
- Fixed an accessibility issue that prevented the Help button from being accessed via keyboard focus
- Corrected an accessibility issue in the Start Test Now modal window
NROC Portal Improvements and new features:
- Added the ability for an admin user to create categories, add institutions, and edit a contract
- Clarified the messaging onscreen when a student wants to register and there are no goals
- Improved management of student goals
- Updated the explanatory text in the Study Path snapshot
EdReady Bug fixes:
- Fixed an error that showed an invalid session page when passing a question on the unit test
- Fixed an issue that showed an error when taking a unit test or completing a diagnostic
- Cleared an issue that blocked guest users from properly accessing EdReady
- Cleared an error that prevented the creation of goal metrics for a guest user
- Fixed an issue that blocked admin users from removing goals
- Cleared a bug that prevented the initial diagnostic from appearing for those using Windows/IE; also cleared an IE issue that prevented users from logging out; fixed an issue that prevented manual password changes for users using IE
- Restored the ability to save the scope of expectations on Windows
- Fixed an issue with the "show question" model, causing it to appear blank
- Fixed an issue that prevented a modal window from being closed
- Restored the ability to change a goal card image
- Restored an admin's ability to remove a student from a goal in the student tab
- Restored the student last name information to the on-screen header
- Restored the blue Help Center widget for admins
- Restored Student Data tab from the admin reports dashboard
- Cleared an error message that appeared when an admin tried to save settings on the general info page
- Fixed the display properties of the "X" close icon in the "resent activation email" message modal and reinstated the message's display
- Corrected an error reporting how many hours a student had been on EdReady
- Blocked users who are not logged in from seeing the resources
- Restored the teal headers on the Student Data Summary Report
- Replaced the Help text under the score bar
- Corrected an error that prevented the scope filters from working properly
- Set increased complexity requirements for new passwords
- Fixed an issue where users who never activated their account weren't able to request a resend of that activation email
- Fixed an issue that blocked opening the My Account page for site admins
- Fixed issues relate to My Account security
- Fixed text alignment related to buttons, custom fields, and the notification modal window in the app
- Fixed the slow/hide slider
- Accessibility: cleared several Wave validator errors; resolved several color contrast issues on the student side; improved the keyboard focus when used with tables; and cleared several accessibility issues on the student side
- Tweaked the notifications functionality to improve performance
- Eliminated errors in the session time logs
- Cleared an issue that caused the study plan resource tracker to stay active even after the session ended
NROC Portal Bug fixes:
- Restored the ability of an admin user to archive an institution
- Fixed an issue that blocked reports from loading properly
- Cleared a 500 error when generating audit reports
- Restored the "report" page for some groups where it had gone missing
- Fixed an issue that blocked the student registration form from showing properly on the admin side
- Corrected an error on the registration page
- Resolved an issue related to the appearance of the breadcrumb pages
- Fixed an issue related to the appearance of data for a system admin
- Corrected an issue that hid the "Show Password" option
- Cleared errors on reports when opening a report or trying to run a report
- Fixed a bug that allowed users to complete registration without confirming the password
- Fixed it so the login menu collapse is shown
- Cleared several color contrast issues and other accessibility issues