The following bug fixes, new features, and improvements are now part of the EdReady platform, as of 6 July 2019 (v. 1.57)
- Bug fixes:
- Fix server error when trying to copy an existing goal, when trying to continue a diagnostic as a student, and when starting a diagnostic.
- Fix server error after clicking on the manage button at the version level.
- Fix server error shown while clicking on the "Go to Goal" for existing goals when "Goal Options" has not been configured.
- Fix server error shown while refreshing the page right after unlocking a scope.
- Set the study path to stay in sequence even if a student starts from a scope that is not the first one in the order.
- Rename "Target Options" tab to "Goal Options" to better manage content when teachers choose to break up a scope.
- Improvements and new features:
- Continued work on functionality to break up a scope, which allows teachers to require students to work on particular chunks of material in an order that the teacher determines.
- Add a "Study Path Sequence" section within the "Goal Options" tab.
- Improve management of the functionality to break up a scope.
- Create a new database table to manage the Study Path Sequence configuration per student.
- Modify the study path view to support study path sequence functionality.
- Add a manual button to unlock the scope using "Unlock Code".
- Correct the functionality of the "Show Key" option.
- Unlock the next scope after hitting the congratulations page when automatic unlock is set under the study path sequence configuration.
- Remove the validation message for requiring manual unlock when the field is disabled.
- Display elements of the Settings section only when Lock Down is checked.
- Remove the left-side arrows displayed on each item of the Scopes Order list.
- Move the manual unlock code field next to the unlock checkbox in the Goal Options tab.
- Match the confirmation message shown after updating a Goal with the standards.
- Set a time limit for showing the confirmation message after updating scores.
- Set a time limit for showing the confirmation message after unlocking a scope.
NROC Portal:
- Bug fixes: No updates.
- No updates.